Press Releases for 2012 calendar

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    Bohm Autographics Presents Unique 2012 Calendar Styled with Greatest Car Portraits

    Bohm Autographics is offering interesting car murals and portraits in Mandurah. It’s an endeavor by Anthony Boehm, a certified car designer.

    By : | 05-29-2012 | Automotive:Automotive | Total Views : 890

  • 461

    Plan for Any Events and Holidays Especially with 2012 Calendar

    In today's busy life, calendar is formed as every people's need because it gives flexibility of managing all events and plans. You must look for online calendar that facilitates of all discovering any events from anywhere. Here you can become familiar with printable calendar, yearly calendar and free calendar.

    By : | 09-09-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 461

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    Free Calendar - Online Ways For You To Know Everything Exactly

    Online calendar is the best and comfortable way to be aware about specific and relevant dates during New Year 2012. 2012 is coming like a storm with many joys and funs and cheerful. So, you will be surely free from benefiting having many types of calendar.

    By : | 08-10-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 380